Bloglines overload

I have read some blogs today, written a few entries, but have not been particularly active over the last week or so. And I now have 1467 unread blogposts in Bloglines. Of these, Gizmodo and Engadget clock in at 200 each, Make Magazine at 158 and Slashdot at 165.

Time for Phase 2 of a blogger’s evolution: Time to prune the blogroll. Especially since I discovered Arts & Letters Daily and its younger and mostly Norwegian cousin Depesjer, which both have RSS feeds.

3 thoughts on “Bloglines overload

  1. Eirik

    The problem with both ALDaily and Depesjer is the lack of filtered RSS feeds. As they are at the moment, they’ll just increase the overload in my Bloglines account.

  2. Eirik

    Yep, found it when I clicked on a category link. But if you subscribe from the main page, you only get one alternative – they should get that fixed.

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