Monthly Archives: December 2004

Pirates of the Chang Jiang

Jon Rahoi has an excellent article on buying and watching Chinese pirate DVDs at Hollywood Elsewhere. My experience exactly. I went to a Chinese market and bought a handful of DVDs just to see – and Jon’s observation that the film studios don’t have much to fear, at least not at the current level of sophistication, is entirely correct. Out of 8 DVDs, two are unusable, either because of technical problems or because the copy is shot in a cinema with a handicam. For the rest, both quality and quantity suffers – I got the three Lord of the Rings movies for $2 apiece, but rest assured, I will buy the three-disk extended edition when it eventually comes out. The quality is so bad that in the scene where the hobbits are cheered by the inhabitants of Gondor, you can barely see their faces.
Didn’t get any pirated music CDs, though – I assume the quality would have been better there. Seems you get what you pay for, up to a point.

Shanghai memories

I have just finished teaching a graduate course in strategy at the Fudan University in Shanghai. The students were executives – all Chinese – from Chinese and Western companies. I haven’t been to China for ten years (and then I was in Beijing, not Shanghai), and the difference was dramatic – Shanghai is a modern city, with skyscrapers, a central shopping district with pedestrian streets, and any kind of hotel you want (if you can pay). Beijing ten years ago had ratty taxis and impressive, though dusty, tourist attractions, but not much else. Here is a random collection of some of my impressions:

  • Lenovo, a Chinese company formerly known as Legend, and listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange, had just agreed to buy IBM’s PC division – the second time a Chinese company had made a large acquisition of a Western company (the first was the takeover of Thompson, according to my students). Hugely significant to the students, as Lenovo took over a company about four times their size, and moving their headquarters to the USA. I detected quite a bit of pride – and a nagging wonder if not the company had sold itself too cheaply, that this really was IBM taking over Lenovo.
  • The perplexed look on the faces of most foreigners – by that, I mean Caucasians – trying to take in all the Chinese signs and the incredible din of life in Shanghai. Reminded me of Chinese communist delegations to Oslo in Mao suits in the mid-80s.
  • The many business opportunities and vibrant atmosphere. Shanghai is shock full of students and businesspeople with guts and smarts, primarily held back by a lack of fluent English. This will change – and this is currently the land of opportunity if there ever was one.
  • The quality of the food. Shanghai knows seafood, and the hotel restaurant had a dish with small shrimp fried whole in Maggie sauce that was just incredible. Normally I an slightly squeamish about eating the whole shrimp, shell and all, but in these the shell had the consistency of sugar coating rather than plastic, and were a delight.
  • The customer service in the restaurants – I finally understood why waiters are called waiters. They waited in the background, and as soon as you were finished eathing, they instantly brought the next dish.
  • How wonderfully the skyscrapers add to the cityscape of Shanghai, and how bad they would look in Oslo. The difference lies in topography – Shanghai is flat, with many people, Oslo is surrounded by green hills, and has a small population. In a featureless landscape, skyscrapers provide definition. In a hilly city, they disturb the view, which is why skyscrapers don’t really look good in Hong Kong (but where the population density makes them unavoidable).
  • How being a pedestrian single white male makes you an instant target for every prostitute in Shanghai, even in the good shopping streets
  • I don’t know to what extent the European fashion brands do business in Shanghai, but their brands certainly are there. At ridiculously low prices, especially if you bargain a bit.
  • How the Chinese have not been infested by the irony bug – an epidemic that, I think, started in California and moved eastwards with Starbucks. Makes you really careful about what you say, if you only shut up long enough to hear how they speak.
  • How incredibly much more complicated life becomes when you have to express thoughts in pictograms rather than text. On a similar note, I was rather surprised that my Tablet PC attracted attention – would have thought that with the Chinese character handwriting recognition it has it would be very common – but I only saw one person with a Tablet, and that was a German businessman in the check-in line at the airport. A few of the students had Graffiti-style devices, combining keystrokes into characters, but that can’t be the be-all and end-all in Chinese character entry.
  • The instant cognitive dissonance produced by seeing angels, Santa Clauses and snowflakes in shop windows in a country that is patently non-Christian (though it is very spiritual – several of my students bore witness to their Buddhist convictions when presenting themselves at a student dinner.)
  • The ambivalent relationship I suspect people have to the Mao period. The Shanghai Bund museum, for instance, has detailed explanations about the situation during the settlement period, the early resistance against the European colonizers, and the resistance against the Japanese. But for the Mao period there are only large, captionless photos of parades and dignitaries. I wonder if not the rather sophisticated population of Shanghai pegged the Communists – including the people from Beijing – as powerful but rather annoying country hicks. Shanghai is brash, vulgar and modern, Beijing is cultured and political, and slightly out of touch with the business community. The relationship between Shanghai and Beijing is rather like that between New York and Washington D.C.
  • The fact that China has many languages and many provinces. I was hitching a ride with three of the students. The two in the front seat were talking to each other, and the person I shared the back seat with turned to me and said “they are talking in Shanghai dialect, which I don’t understand.” Or the faculty member who described to me the problem of the Western provinces, who are “not open-minded”, like Shanghai and other areas on the Eastern seaboard. China is not one country, but many provinces – and sometimes it can be as hard, if not harder, to move goods or people between provinces as between countries.
  • The incredible manual dexterity necessary to be Chinese – for writing, eating or making art. Everything is done in exquisite detail, at sometimes heartbreakingly low prices.
  • That it really takes 5 days to get over the jet lag (from Europe)
  • How human personality shines through cultural and physiognomic variations “like x-rays through a wall,” to quote Neal Stephenson. The students had every archetypical student personality – the kidder, the sincere woman with a social conscience, the experienced senior manager who thought through every slide and asked pointed questions, and the social facilitator who was mostly interested in having fun, volunteering to run the karaoke competition
  • Speaking of which, karaoke and gift-giving is what middle-manager Chinese do for fun (at least in my limited experience), and they have a good time doing it
  • That Chinese drive like crazy – apparently, they have 1.5% of all the world’s vehicles and 15% of all the world’s road accidents. More than 100,000 killed on the road every year…. People routinely weave, drive through groups of pedestrians, run lights, and speed. I never saw anyone letting another car into a line, unless the driver of that car pushed his way in.
All in all, it was a very interesting experience. I will definitely go back – and I will look into arranging tours for businesses interested in learning something about China.

Google Desktop to the rescue

Turns out Google desktop can save lost files because it keeps some copies tucked away somewhere on your hard drive (losing formatting, but still…)
Google Desktop has become a very useful tool – I am constantly surprised at the number of times I have forgotten that I wrote or downloaded something earlier – and GD will find if for me. Excellent.

An example to emulate (if only I knew how)

Richard Posner, who popped to the blogosphere surface because he has started a blog with Gary Becker – a blog that has the distinction of being heavily subscribed while only the test message was up – is a very interesting individual. Not only is his written production astounding – 4 books, 30 academic papers, 27 shorter papers, and 171 legal opinions in 2 years – but he does all the writing himself, and has even found time to write a week’s diary for Slate (albeit in 2002). Off the scale.
An interesting aspect of the new blog was that Kieran at Crooked Timber thought it an elaborate hoax – though I am beginning to suspect some tongue in cheek here, especially since Lawrence Lessig has endorsed the new blog. Anyway, blogging is getting serious.

Now THAT would be ironic….

The Register speculates that IBM might get into some relationship with Apple following IBM’s sale of its PC unit to Lenovo (fomerly Legend). Makes sense, though, with IBM promoting Open Source platforms and wanting access to the lifestyle market – given IBM’s image transitioning from Big Brother to Cool Dude the since the mid-90s, Apple’s image might actually be enhanced by this. IBM lent corporate legitimacy to the PC when it entered the business – it might do the same to Apple.

A cafe latte’s worth of numbers…. (which, incidentally, has a very elegant blog design – I really like his “sideblog” comments) – has a great entry on the most efficient way to crack The de Bruijn Code – that is, how to spin through all possible combinations of a four-digit number with as few keystrokes as possible (allowing for continuous recombination).
Now, if only the da Vinci Code had had just a little dusting of a bit of a shade of this way of thinking and writing…..