Monthly Archives: November 2016

The Grand Ol’ Tour

Top Gear is back (at least the one you want to watch), now called The Grand Tour, and involving the familiar three and lots of colour saturation. thegrandtourApparently, there are lots of things they cannot do that was in the old show, but this has a track, a moveable open studio, and the usual bantering and car racing. Celebrities drop in and out (quite literally.) The video quality is exceptional and the opening five minutes – apparently consuming most of the lavish budget – a kind of panoramic and unapologetic pun on just so many things. The banter seems a little bit forced in the beginning before shoulders come down and jokes get worse and worse (especially Clarkson’s.)

Very much like a comfortable old jacket and some well-worn jeans, in other words. I quite like it – it is uncomplicated, yet polysyllabic, masculine escapism. And best of all – it is included in my Amazon Prime subscription, now useful over here in Norway, too.